Addiction Circles
Speak Out & Heal
Do you feel you are drinking more than you would like to?
Wanting to make changes but not sure where to start?
Always having to put things in place so as to try not to get drunk, but never really succeeding?
Using alcohol as a crutch and playing down how much you drink?
In denial of oneself and beating yourself up more and more when you have mind blanks, and try piecing together fragments from the night before?
Do you want a safe place to come and share your thoughts feelings and fears around alcohol and be heard without judgement?
Tried “going it alone” but found it a struggle so are now looking to join a group where you can listen and connect with people in a similar situation to yourself and grow together?

A matter so close to my heart, choosing sobriety has led me to want to reach out to others that would like to have an alternative healing approach in using the 12 steps rather than having a label attached or going through AA.
I myself dipped my toe into AA but it wasn’t for me, although it successfully and massively helps many others I feel we can look at addiction of alcohol in another way than a feeling of the fallen one. The stigma our society attaches to alcohol can make someone feel ashamed and unable to reach out, or talk about our feelings towards it. There are so many different levels, that it doesn’t come under one word “Alcoholic”. I don’t believe in labels; they keep us stuck and unable to move on mentally and emotionally.
At the start of my journey I came across a book (This Naked Mind) that explained everything I needed to know about my relationship with alcohol, the fact that my subconscious mind had been conditioned to thinking alcohol is okay and dressed up to be glamorous, fun, relaxing etc. and when your conscious mind recognises you’re drinking more than you would like to or should be – the cognitive dissonance kicks in, and there is a constant battle in your mind.
Alcohol is a drug, the only drug advertised and allowed, causing blackouts – something I did suffer due to drinking too much in a short period of time. Your brain shuts down to protect itself, a very dangerous place to be, body still functions but no-one’s home.
First you take a drink then the drink takes a drink.
Then the drink takes you.
Ethanol = alcohol If we drink it in its true form it would kill us ,yet it’s socially accepted, creating false chemicals in the brain. This book saved me from another drop, you can learn it’s all or nothing and that moderation isn’t the best path to take.
I bring parts of this book into the programme, combining it with my shamanic teachings and medicine wheel. In linking the twelve step principles to shadow work on each chakra, we can have a deeper understanding of our addictions and find the root cause. Working this way allows us work through the negative aspects we hold on to in order to leave room for positive new beginnings, unravelling and working on the inside therefore leading to huge changes in your life. Massively helping you on your journey to learning to rely on your better self and truly accept and liking you are truly are.
We can change years of self destruction and pain built up inside, believe me it’s possible. I believe in doing this work it’s helped keep me on the right path of sobriety. It’s like seeing the world again with fresh eyes, the beauty that life holds.
Whether you’re drinking or have decided to stop, anyone is welcome and will be supported. Taking that first step is the first step of freedom.
My addiction circles run every week (starting Sunday July 23rd) 2pm-4pm; 1 Stott Road, Leeds LS6 1GH. To book your spot (as places are limited) please email to reserve your place. Cost: £15/circle or £54 for a concurrent four week block. Details of payment method will be emailed when I confirm your place.

when you shine the light of
consciousness on it.
Eckhart Tolle
Heal Yourself
1 Stott Road, Leeds LS6 1GH